Elbphilharmonie: EUROPA, DEUTSCHLAND, HAMBURG, (EUROPE, GERMANY), 05.10.2009: Baustelle, Philharmonie, Elbe, Elbphilharmonie, Umbau, Ausbau, Haus, Neubau, Hafen, Hafencity, Speicherstadt, Hafengebiet, ehemaliges, Loch, finanz, Millionen, Finanzen, Deutschland, Hamburg, City, Bebauung, Stadtplanung, Stadt, Grossstadt, Bau, Wasser, Gewaesser, Fluss, Uebersicht, Luftbild, Luftaufname, Luftansicht, Erweiterung, Innenstadt, Kran, Kraene, Baukran, Baukraene, Kaispeicher, A # , water, air opinion, Hafencity, Stadtplanung, lakes and rivers, body of water, waters, overview, outline, survey, Elbphilharmonie, building, house, A, crane, hoist, harbor, harbour, port, re-modelling, conversion, alteration, Luftaufname, city, building site, construction site, job site, erection crane, town, removal, improvement, lining, enhancement, enlargement, extender, philharmonic orchestra, burrow, build, new building, germany, development, housing, memory city, elbe, dockland, aerial photograph, hamburg, Kaispeicher, former, flow, flood, river, Aufwind-Luftbilder..c o p y r i g h t : A U F W I N D - L U F T B I L D E R . de.G e r t r u d - B a e u m e r - S t i e g 1 0 2, .2 1 0 3 5 H a m b u r g , G e r m a n y.P h o n e + 4 9 (0) 1 7 1 - 6 8 6 6 0 6 9 .E m a i l H w e i 1 @ a o l . c o m.w w w . a u f w i n d - l u f t b i l d e r . d e.K o n t o : P o s t b a n k H a m b u r g .B l z : 2 0 0 1 0 0 2 0 .K o n t o : 5 8 3 6 5 7 2 0 9.C o p y r i g h t n u r f u e r j o u r n a l i s t i s c h Z w e c k e, V e r o e f f e n t l i c h u n g n u r m i t H o n o r a r n a c h M F M o d e r A b s p r a c h e , N a m e n s n e n n u n g u n d B e l e g e x e m p l a r !.