Eisgang: EUROPA, DEUTSCHLAND, SCHLESWIG- HOLSTEIN, NIEDERSACHSEN(EUROPE, GERMANY), 08.01.2009: Binnenschiff, Transport, Logistik, Behinderung, Imperial Reederei, Sperrung, Eisgang, Eisschollen auf der Elbe bei Geesthacht, rund, bizarre Form, Deutschland, Schleswig, Holstein, Behinderung, Eis, Fahrrinne, Winter, kalt, Kaelte, vereister, Fluss, Natur, vereist, vereiste, eisig, Elbe, Wasser, gefroren, frieren, Eisscholle, Eisschollen, Scholle, Schollen, Wetter, zugefroren, Form, Luftbild, Luftansicht, Luftaufnahme # , freezed, frozen, to be cold, water, inhibition, form, air opinion, ow_visum, inland waterway craft, weather, germany, vereister, raft, plaice, floe, ice floe, imperial, shipping trade, shipping company, frozen over, ice, coldness, cold, impediment, handicap, hindrance, the, near, up, driving, winding, shipping, iced, winter, nature, ice drift, elbe, bleak, chillingly, coldly, cool, frigid, frigidly, gelid, gelidly, unloving, unlovingly, rotund, rotundly, round, roundly, propositional calculus, logistics, logistic, glacial, glacially, icily, icy, aerial photograph, fairway, bizarre, figure, template, vereiste, air photo, flow, flood, river #.c o p y r i g h t : A U F W I N D - L U F T B I L D E R . de.G e r t r u d - B a e u m e r - S t i e g 1 0 2, .2 1 0 3 5 H a m b u r g , G e r m a n y.P h o n e + 4 9 (0) 1 7 1 - 6 8 6 6 0 6 9 .E m a i l H w e i 1 @ a o l . c o m.w w w . a u f w i n d - l u f t b i l d e r . d e.K o n t o : P o s t b a n k H a m b u r g .B l z : 2 0 0 1 0 0 2 0 .K o n t o : 5 8 3 6 5 7 2 0 9.IBAN: DE 68 2001 0020 0583 6572 09.BIC: PBNKDEFF.N a m e n s n e n n u n g u n d B e l e g e x e m p l a r !.