Alster wartet auf Vergnuegen: EUROPA, DEUTSCHLAND, HAMBURG, (EUROPE, GERMANY), 04.02.2012: Europa, Deutschland, Hamburg, Stadt, Staedte, Stadtansicht, Stadtbild, Stadtuebersicht, Stadtueberblick, Uebersicht, Ueberblick, Luftaufnahme, Luftbild, von, oben, Wasser, Fluss, Alster, Binnenalster, Aussenalster, Innenstadt, Eis, Winter, winterlich, winterliche # above, aerial photo, aerial photograph, ahead, aloft, at the head, at the top of, by, cities, city, city centre, city opinion, city overview, digest, eau, europe, flow, fluency, flux, from, germany, hamburg, ice, of, oversight, overview, river, supra, survey, synopsis, top, town, towns, townscape, up, upstairs, water, winter, winterly, wintertide, wintertime, wintry ,..